Thursday 7 November 2013

Landlords and fire services brought together for new student safety scheme

With the student property market experiencing its usual seasonal resurgence as undergraduates and postgraduates alike hunt out the best accommodation and join in with the customary fresher's festivities, as a landlord of a student property, you may think that you have enough to occupy you right now without being lectured on fire alarm maintenance and similar fire safety measures by Triple Star Fire (

But if you need just one or two prompts to maintain fire alarms and undertake those all-important fire risk assessments, it's the research encompassing 1,500 landlords and 1,600 students across the UK revealing that more than one in five landlords (21 per cent) never worry about ensuring the safety of their tenants. That is despite the almost one in 10 renters (8 per cent) who claim to have had a fire incident or gas leak in their home.

Here at the fire equipment maintenance specialists Triple Star Fire, we think you should be rather more conscientious than that. Helping to ensure this is the introduction of an innovative training scheme, whereby student landlords receive expert help from local fire safety professionals in suitably protecting their tenants from accidental fires.

It isn't just the property owners who are genuinely benefitting from the scheme, with the participating fire services also gaining a better appreciation of the unique requirements of landlords as far as student letting is concerned. The scheme is called Firemark, and is the creation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, uniting these two parties that are so important in ensuring student safety.

Included in the initiative are short videos highlighting the importance of protecting student tenants from accidental blazes, as well as materials for the instigation of interactive and dynamic sessions between fire safety professionals and landlords. The training video and interactive sessions cover such matters as the right time and place for a fire risk assessment to be undertaken, as well as what is required of landlords if they are to achieve compliance with the most recent rules and regulations.

Indeed, the scheme goes further than this, also informing landlords on what they can do above and beyond the requirements set out by law. In its launch of the scheme, the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service cited as its inspiration for Firemark the tragic death of two young students in a rented house in Torquay, Devon in 2009.

Certainly, here at Triple Star Fire (, we are great believers in taking every effort to ensure the highest level of fire safety for UK properties and business premises. Across various industries, we focus on providing, installing and maintaining a wide range of truly industry-leading fire safety equipment, from the most trusted manufacturers - all as part of the most responsive, professional and customer-focussed service. Contact us now to find out more.

Editor’s Note: Triple Star Fire ( are represented by the search engine advertising and digital marketing specialists Jumping Spider Media. Email: or call: +44 (0)20 3070 1959 / +34 952 783 637.

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