Thursday 30 October 2014

The former IYLO Croydon makes all of the wonders of London attainable

It's not exactly a secret that London is a heaving metropolis, and an epicentre for all manner of culture and recreation. What's much more of a mystery, however, is how it can be accessed for the great numbers of those who aren't generally able to afford the city's luxurious skyline living. Is there alternative living accommodation within the boundaries of London that is of a high standard and in a genuinely up-and-coming area, while also being attainable?

Given the capital's ever-spiralling rents, one would imagine the answer to that question to be "no". It seems at times that any area of London that could possibly be gentrified has already been gentrified, and that many who aspire to reside in the capital are effectively locked out. There is, however, a genuine alternative, and in a part of London that is surprisingly familiar. That is, of course, a reference to the simply stunning IYLO Croydon - or as it is now known, ISLAND.

Indeed, the 'IYLO' name doesn't conjure up the most palatable images for some. It was this project, after all, which following its announcement and the beginning of construction in 2007, was to suffer a series of misfortunes that threatened its entire future. Problems began in 2009 with the slide into administration of the project's funding source, HBOS, and while building work did recommence between late 2010 and June 2011, the construction company then entered administration itself.

It seemed that the structure that had looked so remarkable in the initial plans - towering some 20 storeys and sporting an eye-catching elliptical form, comprising two equal halves 'sliding' past one another - would never become as formidable 'in the flesh'. With graffiti long daubed on the hoardings surrounding the site, any form of redemption seemed unlikely - and yet, that was precisely what happened when the then IYLO Croydon was passed into the ownership of Regency Homes Ltd.

By 2013, construction had again restarted, but even better news came in late 2014, when it was confirmed that by late November 2014, building work would at last be complete. Already, the structure's apartments and penthouses are filling up fast with those wanting to make the most of a limited-time-only chance to clamber not just onto the London property ladder, but a potentially very lucrative rung of that ladder.

The truth is that with Croydon set for a series of ambitious regeneration projects throughout the coming years, it is a firmly up-and-coming area, making investment in the penthouses and apartments of the former IYLO Croydon a true must-not-miss opportunity.

Editor’s Note: ISLAND ( are represented by the search engine advertising and digital marketing specialists Jumping Spider Media. Email: or call: +44 (0)20 3070 1959 / +34 952 783 637.

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