Monday 19 May 2014

Why bother with business promotional videos?

Anyone with even the loosest familiarity with the Internet will almost certainly also know about the ubiquity of business promotional videos, as created by leading firms like Visual Arena ( But why bother with them? After all, they sound pretty expensive, and one imagines that there's little that a corporate video can do, that well-written text or a decent social media page can't do.

In all seriousness, though, corporate video productions go hand in hand with these and other aforementioned parts of your firm's marketing mix - the most competitive businesses will always make some use of them all, because they know that such methods all have their own ways of increasing the appeal of their business to prospective customers.

We human beings are very visual creatures, attracted to the likes of TV and the Internet where moving images thrive and are so memorable to us. We all have certain advertisements that we remember many years after they are no longer on air, such is the power of the moving image, and there are so many ways in which video can be used to engage people and capture their imaginations.

You may opt for a location video that places the viewer at the centre of your company's day-to-day operations, allowing you to guide them through every aspect of what your firm does - and the end result that can actually benefit them. Or what about a video showing your restaurant's food and drink at its most delectable, or an events video for that special, one-off occasion? These are just some of the subjects that people find so memorable in video form.

Creative video production helps the prospective customer to feel closer to your company. In that sense, it dovetails well with a social media strategy that allows for a more direct conversation between your business and its customer base. With more than 70 per cent of the UK adult population using the Internet on a daily basis, you can reach an incredibly wide audience, potentially running into millions, especially when you host your video on a popular video-sharing platform like Vimeo or YouTube.

Videos go hand in hand with your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy to spread the word about your business, perpetuating your brand message and values. As human beings, we love to watch videos, as it isn't as intimidating and doesn't require as much effort on our part as reading through several passages of text. Videos can be used in a wide range of contexts, from websites and social networks to DVDs and flat screen TVs in various venues.

Nor does professional video production even need to cost much these days, with even small businesses able to use a video, created in conjunction with experts like those of Visual Arena (, to take on the powerful multinationals. Contact us now about how a video or two from us could really help your firm to make its breakthrough.

Editor’s Note: Visual Arena ( are represented by the search engine advertising and digital marketing specialists Jumping Spider Media. Email: or call: +44 (0)20 3070 1959 / +34 952 783 637.

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