Monday, 12 August 2013

What constitutes 'best practice' in candidate sourcing in 2013?

Within candidate sourcing, there are two main elements that clients of recruitment agencies like Webrecruit ( need to consider if 'best practice' is to be achieved: resources and technology.

'Best practice' is a vital consideration across businesses, being defined as a technique or method that has consistently brought results superior to those that other means could have made possible. In addition, there can be evolutions in what represents 'best practice' with the discovery of new potential improvements.

As an HR manager, there are various questions that you will need to ask yourself when reviewing your resources for candidate sourcing. Your online recruitment, for example, could be significantly boosted by a mobile optimised website. Smartphones are now an indispensable part of many potential candidates' lives, which makes mobile a vital means of engaging and attracting them.

Related to redesigning your website for mobile is the use of social media, something which is no longer a buzzword. Instead, it is a familiar and proven channel for attracting candidates. You are therefore advised to invest in recruitment advertising on all of the social media platforms that make sense. LinkedIn, in particular, is a site that has revolutionised direct sourcing, and on which you must have a high employer brand and profile.

You should also ask yourself which job boards you are advertising on, given that they remain the best and most cost-effective way to attract candidates to your business in 2013. By analysing the sources of your best applications, you can soon narrow down the list of job boards on which to advertise.

Canny companies also utilise their existing candidate pool when recruiting staff, saving, gathering and searching across candidates who have previously applied for a job with them. Again, a good online presence can be of great help here, allowing you to re-engage with a live community of candidates who are aware of your brand and its values and trust you as an industry authority. It gives you less work to do in attracting new candidates all over again.
You should also ask yourself whether you are doing enough to recruit staff via referral. Indeed, it might be the best way to recruit, but you'll need to do more work than merely send an email once to all employees. The best recruiters in this regard will communicate much more deeply, announcing and reinforcing the benefits as well as managing each application separately and rewarding the employee in the event of a successful placement.

Social media can also be harnessed across the referral scheme, given its potential power in bringing you into contact with friends of friends and more distant connections. Finally, you'll also need to ask whether you are using a recruitment agency - like Webrecruit ( - that offers the right services for cost-effective and efficient candidate sourcing and recruitment. Such services could include CV database searching, applicant response management, screening and interviewing options and much more.

Editor’s Note: Webrecruit ( are represented by the search engine advertising and digital marketing specialists Jumping Spider Media. Email: or call: +44 (0)20 3070 1959 / +34 952 783 637.

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